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Rev. Lionel Merritt

4 Core Pillars Of Religion – Human Recognition and interaction with God – That we will look at in this unit.                                                                                                          

1. The Importance Of The Altar For Worship. – Abram Builds An Altar At Mamre 

2. Why it is necessary to clearly defined sacred spaces for worship. – Solomon Dedicates The Temple

3. Why we should prioritize worship as part of our relationship with God.  – Hezekiah’s Prayer

4. The need for proper spiritual leadership in the worship of God.  – Josiah Celebrates Passover


The work of Biblical scholars reveals that while the books of 1st and 2nd Kings contain a great deal of historical data they were written primarily as religious texts.  

The books explore the theology of the Kings it chronicles within the context of the principle that the Lord is Israel’s only God.   

Additionally, 1st and 2nd Kings expressly states that the worship of other Gods is forbidden, and all the Lord’s covenant laws must be obeyed including the requirement that the Lord can be only worshiped in one place.    

The writer of 1st and 2nd Kings exposes what happens to Kings their people and their nations when they worship other Gods and disobey the Lord’s covenant laws.  

Today the message, warning, and consequences of 1st and 2nd Kings are still in effect.  As we will learn in the story of Hezekiah, King of Judah we must be all in for God. 

2nd King Chapters 18, 19, 20


1. From the start Hezekiah was a model King

2nd Kings 18:3

2. Hezekiah Trusted The Lord And Was Very Successful

2nd King 18:5-6

3. The March Of Shalmaneser King Of Assyria

2nd Kings 18:9-12

4. Hezekiah’s Lack Of Faith

2nd Kings 18:13-16

5. Sennacherib Threatens Jerusalem & Calls Out The Lord

2nd Kings 18:17, 18:19-25, 18:28-36

6. Hezekiah Consults Isaiah

2nd Kings 19:1-3, 19:6-7

7. Sennacherib Doubles Down

2nd Kings 19:9-13

8. Hezekiah Prayers To The Lord

2nd Kings 19:14-18

9. Isaiah Prophesies Sennacherib’s Fall

2nd Kings 19: 20-21, 19: 32-35

10. The Prophecy Regarding Sennacherib Defeat & Death  Comes True

2nd Kings 19:35-37

11. Hezekiah’s Illness And Recovery

2nd Kings 20:1-6

12. Envoys From Babylon

2nd Kings 20:12-15

13. Isaiah’s Babylon Prophecy

2nd King 20:16-19

14. Hezekiah Dies

2nd King 20:20-21